Salman Khan’s Surat Fans Baked 400 Feet Long Cake on His 50th Birthday
Salman Khan Turned 50, on 27th December and many Bollywood celebrities rushed to him to make the Birthday very Special. Salman Khan’s Surat (Gujarat) city fans makes the Bigger celebration ever by Cutting 400 ft Long Cake. They Baked giant cake weighing over 4,000 Kg. Cake will be Distributed in 200 Orphanages in city. View Pictures of Cake below.

This is gonna be the Most Unique and Very Sweet wishes to Salman Khan from his Surti Fans. This is the record itself and registered by Guinness Book and Limca Book of records. Its been reported that nearly 15,000 Salman Khan’s fans are likely to attend this celebration. It was very time consuming process to make this large Cake, so Local Cake makers started making it from December 25.
Brijesh Gadiyali, MD and partner the company organizing the event told TOI, “There are a number of NGOs like Women Bikers Club and others who are going to participate in the birthday celebration of their favorite film star.” Gadiyali assured that on December 27, Salman will give a special message for his fans of Surat. (Source: TOI)
400 Ft long Cake baked in Vesu area on an open ground on BRTS road leading to Y junction from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU) as it would be very difficult to shift it once such a huge cake is made.
“We want to salute the star who doesn’t believe in spoiling country’s atmosphere and send a message to those who are making such attempts. Surat has a tradition of honoring those who think of the country first.”, Nitin Patel of Breadliner Said.
View the Image of Cake on which fans wrote name of Salman by wishing his Birthday. This is gonna be Amazing Wishes to B Town Dabaang Actor Salman Khan. Making 400 ft long cake required lots of effort as quality of cake needs to be maintained. Textile city Surat of State Gujarat proved their love towards Salman Khan. 50th Birthday of Sultan Actor remained very special as he got overwhelming love from all around the World.