Jalebi Trailer out: An Emotional Love Ride will Touch your Heart
Rhea Chakraborty, Varun Mitra & Digangana Suryavanshi Starrer Romantic Love, Drama and Fights mixed Emotional love story based film Jalebi Trailer out. The film ‘Jalebi’ tells you how to live in an age of bewilderment when the old stories have collapsed and no new story has yet emerged to replace them.”
Some love stories go beyond “…and they lived happily ever after.” Arijit Singh, K.K, Jubin Nautiyal, Shreya Ghoshal & many More singers contributed to the film and you can have that musical feelings inside the Promo video. The film looks Something different. Overall the film looks good including Music, Performances to the production.
Jalebi film is directed by Pushpdeep Bhardwaj and produced by Mukesh Bhatt. The movie Jalebi will release in cinemas on 12th October, 2018