Big F Episode 4, Fantasy of Ahana Sethia and Detective Sagar
Gautam Gulati brings new Story of Fantasy which associated with Current living. Its the Interesting story of How People see Women and justifies their character without closer inspection to it. Its the Story which narrates how business meets Pleasure. Ronith, Sagar and Ahana are the Lead Star Cast Actors in the Big F Episode 4. At the end it meets to the Fantasy of Sagar and Ahana Sethia.

Sagar is Detective and gets new Case that might change his fortunes. Ronith, a hotshot businessman, suspects his fiance, Ahana Sethia, of cheating on him, and wants Sagar to spy on her. Ronith had doubt on Driver about Affair between them.Ronith hired Sagar to spy on Ahana.
It was Too easy for Sagar to handle the case until he sees Ahana Sethia for the first time and is instantly attracted. Later Sagar Diverted from his work and started getting more Physically Attached to Ahana. After Capturing Some of the Pictures of Ahana and Driver he shown it to the Ronith but didn’t gave the original memory card to ronith as he was feeling bad and Attached to Ahana.
Later Ahana Came to know that Sagar captured his pictures but it was totally surprising when Ahana Told the Truth to Sagar. Ahana was not in relationship with Driver but he was helping him to meet his lady love. But without knowing in details Ronith started just doubting her as Affair. But when Detective Sagar came to know about the real story he started investigating the Ronith and then captured some of the Intimate pictures of Ronith and other girl. Sagar sent it to Ahana. Later Ahana reached to Ronith’s office and Caught Ronith with that girl. Ronith started doing blackmailing to Ahana that if She broke the Engagement then he gonna put all his pictures on Internet and will start spreading rumored talk about Affair with Driver but When Ronith Opened the memory card to saw the pictures taken by Sagar, he found memory card empty. Because Detective sagar gave him empty. So at the End Sagar helped Ahana.
Journey of Sagar and Ahana ends with Hot and Intimate Bold scenes. So it was Fantasy of both Ahana and Sagar at the end. However they are not in love with each other, They are just attracted to each other by Fantasy and Desires and they never judge each other for that matter. Its story narrates how Business meets Pleasure in Journey. Jiya Sharma and Skand Thakur are the real names of Ahana and Ronith respectively. All Three lead characters gave the Decent end to Gautam Gulati’s Episode. Watch Full Episode below.